NOMA Primary Substation
CLIENT: Bowmer and Kirkland Ltd
START DATE: September 2020
The NOMA Manchester development also known as Angel Square includes the iconic One Angel Square head office of the Co-Operative Group and CIS Tower. Works on 4 Angel Square commenced with the construction of a new Substation to serve both 4 and 5 Angel Square. The Substation measuring 18m x 14.50m x 8m high in reinforced concrete forms the corner construction to 5 Angel Square.
QED carried out the substructure and superstructure build of this reinforced in-situ concrete substation. Constructed partially as a basement, it was cast using waterproof concrete and membranes supplied by Fosroc. The substation included Transformer rooms, Switch Gear rooms and due to its proximity within the future Angel Square development was constructed to withstand potential explosion/fires.
Whilst undertaking the substation build QED undertook the enabling works for the adjacent 4 Angel Square development by removing and crushing all hardstanding’s, excavating to remove piling obstructions and creating pile mats for the development.